2018年4月3日 星期二


Dorling lineage higher learning institute at Busa Wangdue Goenpa has started preparation of mountain digging land, cleaning etc. one of the most important tool is the truck. Because of saving construction cost, the goenpa need to collect and buy cheaper material e.g. Stone and sand, from various places in Bhutan and store those material near our project area for future use. To efficiently and effectively using our limited budget, goenpa has bought one truck to deliver the most important task. By doing you way, we can also saving truck rental and labor cost.
The truck has just arrived to goenpa and received uncle Lama Rinpoche blessing. Khentrul Sonam Gyeltshen Rinpoche said that blessing ceremony is to request Guru. YI-dam Dakini, deities and protectors to make sure via this vehicle work and our project will be more smoothly and successfully.
The village people also coming to show their appreciation for this new truck. All village people is very grateful for overseas sponsors generous help so the monks can have better environment to improve their dharma learning..
thanks very much for all help.

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